25 September 2013

1 year anniversary for my braces

I just went for my dental appointment just now, and I just realize that I have been wearing braces for a year from September 2012. Time flies.

My teeth gaps get smaller and my profile just looked great now. I like how I looked now. Ha ha.

I'm still using power chains to close up my gaps right now, which I can merely feel the tension it creates magically. I feel indescribable glad that it's not that painful compared to the 'pain' I just started wearing the brackets and wires last year.

I'm looking forward to the next appointment, which is in November, 2 months from now on, in case my dentist would do something new to my teeth instead just replacing a new power chain and let me go out from the dental room and pay RM350.

Stay chill. =)
Have a great time my friends.

04 September 2013

Bubu . 2

She has been so fat these days. Actually it's not because of eating habits, just because of her hair getting more fluffy and long. When she is taking bath, she's actually so tiny.

She just got the third vaccine last Saturday and had a bad fever that night with a lot of vomiting.

She getting to love carrot and yogurt this week. @_@