28 November 2011

Music Monday

Hello, today I'm  pleased to share this piano video with you guys.
I accidentally found it on You tube this morning.
The "Halo" and "If I were a boy" in this video are totally awesome.
Sunny Choi is a great musician. 
Truly amazing.
Hope you enjoy it.

27 November 2011

An update

Yo, Happy Thanksgiving day.
Honestly, I've no idea how thanksgiving day is because I never seen anyone in Malaysia celebrates it. Ha ha...
However, I can see how the Americans enjoy the day with  great dinner with friends or family...
With turkey??? Looks yummy (but I don't know how it tasted to be)
Ha ha, I can see how Americans celebrated their Black Friday. (lol I get it from daily news.)
The shopping centers were totally crowded with sardinessss.

I'm so shocked to know that today is 27th Nov, how fast the time flies...
( Actually I study until forget what the day is)
I can't wait because next week I gonna finish my Biology and Chemistry test!
I revised them for the very last last last last time from Saturday to Monday. 
How good it's feel like!
Plus, I will start my piano class from this Saturday in December!
Awww I miss my Miss Ma so much. (And the wide piano classroom)
SPM is gonna end! 
Gambateh to me and all my friends!

21 November 2011


Please--- Smile. It looks great on you!

Some Quotes related to SMILE:

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose.
Tom Wilson

A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Dr. Seuss

I just sing the stuff that makes me smile, makes me feel like I didn't sell myself out.
Patti LaBelle

17 November 2011

The first week of my SPM examination

Generally I've done my Malays, English, History and Mathematics subjects. 
I'm so happy that I don't need to repeat them anymore especially the History.
I feel the History paper is the way too easy and is below my expectation.
And then I finish up the Mathematics so beautifully today (without too much effort yesterday) hahaha...

The Things I Love in this week.
  1. I've finish 4 of the 11 subjects in the exam.
  2. I had an awesome lamb shank and a bowl of wild mushroom soup yesterday.
  3. I have a long nap just now.
  4. I chit chatted with my mum for 2 hours and more.
  5. My piano teacher said that she will give me a treat after SPM! Looking forward to this!
  6. My mum promised that she will took me to Puchong this weekend for some delicious Yong Tau Fu.
  7. I can play my "Fantasie Impromptu" so smooth so well. (Yeah, it was a success!)
  8. I've learnt to cook spaghetti and my mum said that it was tastier than other restaurants. Ha haha..
  9. I watch 法政先锋 III every night even I had to study History that night! ( it was a totally good break for me while chasing with time)
  10. I can blog without too much stress on me.
A hilarious conversation:
Bro: Jie jie, do you know what is SPM?
Me: Nope, I'm waiting you to tell me about that.
Bro: SPM is SuPer Mario lo Jie Jie! 
Me: ...

09 November 2011



Hmmm,你是一个很可爱的男生,你的眼睛太美丽了,所以我有时考试会偷偷瞄你睡觉(小心)!有时觉得你很顽皮,我第一眼见你时就想起小时候和我玩耍的不知道哪一个小弟弟, 到底是人有相似还是你就是那个小弟弟?他叫“啊di"叻!希望你不是咯,哈哈。你是一个很聪明的人,有时比我还快吸收Bio的东西。既然酱厉害,以后一定要加油啦!

2.Zi Xuan
一个很开朗(但是有时真的很emo),爱唱歌的男生,平时听你唱歌都是“麻麻地”但是今天你唱歌很好听啊!(有进步哈哈)你可以算是和我比较好谈的男生之一,甚至有时很女性化,一度认为你是gay的。有时觉得你口气会很大,但是没关系啦,有目标是好事来的!觉得你有领导风范, 也很欣赏你的胆识和不记仇的个性!男生就是这样嘛...以后记得出书哦,我第一个买你的 “泡妞秘笈”。祝你恋爱成功啦!(别酱花心啦,好心你啦,以后“娶”不出啊)

3.Yih Loong

4.De Jing
很像Mr.Bean! 很喜欢你的眼睫毛,很长很黑,就像我弟弟的一样。超喜欢你的声音,很有磁性,so sexxxy man! 有时你很风趣啦,可是觉得你有时过于认真, 是有点怕的!记得以后多唱歌给我听!后附:你有时笑到很奇怪。真的!

5.Huei Shyuan

6.Ka Ean
这为重色轻友的天真小女孩,以后不要酱纯真相信别人讲的话啦。但是我相信在这两年来,我和JOLIE对你的训练时没有白费的(看见你欺负JJ YU就感到有少许的安慰)。诚实来说,你的肉很好捏,声音很够力大(尤其是很够力开心的时候),还有你这朋友真的给了我不少的欢乐!在此向你大声说:谢谢!谢谢你在我伤心的时候安慰我,我永远不会忘记你的!找一天,我们可以再次去Langkawi吗?


你的头发长得真快,可以给我吗?从中一开始就觉得你的英语很厉害,有时我会很怕和你讲话(其实我也不知道为什么,英语不好,自尊心受创吧...)。力万真的很疼你的叻,要好好珍惜他哦 XD。说真的,最后一次不讲我也要讲了,你是个很棒很厉害的女生,其实你不需要靠tips,都一定能够考取一流成绩!相信自己的实力吧,不管别人怎么说都好,我对你有信心!加油咯!爱你呀...希望你不要介意,我是说真的哦。(祝你生意兴隆,财源滚滚)

用一个“书虫”来形容你是最贴切的啦。记得不要因为沉迷于故事书而荒废学业啦,要加油加油,你是可以的!我不会忘记你这个酱可爱的朋友的,放心啦,但是条件是你要好好记得我和你一起度过的时光(很享受和你一起合作的感觉)。 :)

你也是一个我不开口,你就不开金口的男生。告诉你啦,女生喜欢主动的男生,那么你就大胆点啦,不然以后恐怕会好像子轩一样“娶”不出叻...哈哈哈。你其实很三八以下的咯,为什么只在facebook显示出来叻?我想我会比较喜欢看到在班上三八的Ivan咯 XD。记得今天问你毕业了感觉如何,你说"很显"的时候就间接地逗乐我了,keep住啦兄弟。你的英文都很棒,加油咯!

可以不要讲你吗,很显叻。我们心照啦好不好!你是我最好的朋友,两年了,真的两年了!你不要酱自卑啦,你是很厉害的,不要说别人什么都比你好,其实我有时也是很羡慕你的,对我来说你的人缘是最好的啦,真的!我在此劝你忘记你以前那些久情人啊,免得伤心,我很喜欢看到你笑的啦。其实我最不喜欢和你在一起的是在你专心读书的时候,你不会理我的!弄到我很尴尬,很闷,也觉得我们在一起的时间越来越少。我想谢谢你一路以来都帮我很多(ya, you know it babe)。我们明年不能坐在一起睡觉,脱纽扣吹风,上厕所,抄功课还有讲ham话了 (很丢奶耶)T.T...我明年回来NS探监的,等我啊。(都讲不要写酱多给你咯!哎哟....)

First impression: Giant!
虽然和你相处只有一年,可是大致上都觉得你还是个乖仔来的,有时也挺关心朋友,很诚实,也很有领导风范。你是一位很特别的男生,你就是play hard, work hard 的人。你的华语很厉害, 祝你考试顺利啦。你给我的印象真的很深刻,忘不了你的啦,以后再街上看到我一定要打招呼哦!(以后走路望低处看看有没有我的踪影)好啦,保重啦朋友。

13. Yee Meng
从3年纪开始我就仰慕你的字体,虽然讲我又copy pig 的成分在,但是你应该要开心因为你的字体得到我的欣赏!哈哈,是你和仪善教会我努力读书,不然我今年就不会在这一班啦...你真的很勤劳叻!酱多年了,虽然看见你是有点闷,可是想到毕业了,要分开了,我就真的很不舍得你哟...9年不是说放下就放下的呢(讲到好像分手酱)。好啦,真的很感谢你,祝你成功啦!

14. 我来的,哈哈!

15. Uncle Law
坐在我右边考试考了2年,应该赚到不少啦,请不要趁我睡觉的时候偷看我的答案啦,我会觉得很不自在 @.@ 明知道你偷看还要假装不知道,神经的。你可以说是在我梦里出现最多次的人啦,吓到我跳起来,弄到我没有觉好睡,很够力讨厌。最后一次告诉你啦,你眼睛不要乱乱放电,还有走路往下看不要乱撞,讲话清楚点啦,不然每次都不知道你在讲什么XD。觉得你是个很理性的男生,每次你那一班朋友在玩的时候,我都会看到你躲在一边刻苦练习,当看见你和朋友围在一起谈话是,你应该是差不多有把握了的哦?哈哈,以后好好加油啦,记得不要选数学之类的科系 XD 恋爱成功!

16.Man Man
你的头脑到底是什么东西做的?爱因斯坦来世啊?哈哈,你真的很厉害啦,我很羡慕你咯。平时和你讲话不比Jolie和Susan的多,但是讲起分开就是有多多的不舍得。我以后一定会记得你恐怖的笑声还有meatball shape的头型。跟你一起相处很开心,尤其是有Jolie的存在的时候(就是少不了她),有时我会不敢跟你讲话因为你“扎人功”非常一流,尤其是有时扎到很认真,真的很怕的叻T.T 最后哦...记得好好照顾身体哟!(好希望可以看到你穿裙的样子...)谢谢你一路以来的陪伴和关心...XD(穿裙啊~~~~)

17.Lok Tsu

18.Suk Yee

19. Sze Mei Gor
不知道我有没有告诉过你,你是我来到育华中学时第一个主动和我讲话的人,所以特别会记得你。哈哈,请不要怀疑,我其实很仰慕你的潇洒还有学业。要毕业了,我会想念你在班上偷吃面包糖果或其它食物的时候。Hmmm,对不起原来那个是大象,不是猪,哈哈哈哈哈。真的很像猪啦,跟你一样。以后记得找我聊天啦,日本仔! 永远记得你。

20. Wei Jia
很奇怪的男生,很厉害弹琴的朋友,也是我朋友的男朋友。=.=说太多了,想告诉你,有时你真的很奇怪,弄到我会抓破头,最后也是不知道你要表达的是什么东西。可是有时是真的很好人啦,懂得关心朋友,帮助朋友,还有给予精神支持。以后keep住啦兄弟,保重啦!(还有kaean很好骗,好好保护她啦) :)

21.Yao Yao
很阳光很可爱的女生,谢谢你对我的关怀和安慰,还有为我的校园生活添加了不少欢乐。可以说你人缘很好,有领导能力,很羡慕你哟...记得以后的日子再难过也好,记得找我,我一定会赴汤蹈火去帮你的,哈哈。 我的好朋友啊,放胆去追求你的梦想吧!我永远会支持你的!爱你爱你...

22. Bin Hong
第一件事想跟你爆料,JOLIE每次每次都叫我黎彦彦(sounds like LeeYenyen),我鼓励你去打她。Hmm, 一开始认识你的时候觉得你是有自闭症的咯,谁知道原来我看错你了!你是那么的三八,无赖,无聊还有...疯狂?这样形容应该很贴切,所以说人不可貌相啦...有时觉得你在学业上很压力,我很想帮你可是就是不知道怎样做啦,所以以后要坚强面对困难啦,加油啦bro!

23.Hao Yi?
一个很黑很高的chocolate bar,想不到你是有女朋友的咯(应该没讲错?)。一开始时觉得你只是一个只会玩的男生,相处久后才发现你也是有专心还有认真的一面的, aHa~ 其实你看上去不像会游泳还有taekwando咯,就好像你不觉的我会弹琴一样,哈哈。原来你的英文很好!你怎样学的?很厉害耶...羡慕死我啦!最后,不知道怎样讲你啦,知道你很sexy而已。sexy and i know it 嘛...keep着你sweet dark 的肤色,很美! ya, i mean 有型。

24.Seow Voon

25. Hong En
你到底是不是叫Puki? 我真的不知道你为什么会落到给人家叫puki的下场咯,哈哈。以前你还没跟玉坪交往的时候好像比较多话讲的,现在好像=.= anti女生酱!可是你有回应我讲的·话就已经很好了。=.=Erm,觉得你是个聪明人啦,不读书的时候成绩麻麻地,一有读书的时候分分钟可以做top 1。加油啦! puki? right?

26.Hong Swo
很高但是身子很弱的男生,以后走路可以小心一点吗?不想再看到你扭到脚然后拖着那个脚走路的样子,哈哈。你读书很勤劳,成绩很变态,还有笑的时候很很很恐怖,好像哮喘酱,会吓死人的啦!有时你会很淫!有时很认真(哇,好man啊)=.= 有时很幽默很风趣。认识你真的是我的福分,哈哈,所以你也要珍惜我哦!保重啦bro~~~

27. Hwee Jien

28. Jia Qi

29.Jia Wei

30.Yao Han

31.Wei Heng
你很像hong en的咯,不跟我讲话,我想来想去也不觉得我以前得罪过你咯,哈哈。我很喜欢你的“刺猬头”,很够力型。有时觉得你玩到很疯,甚至觉得你很享受被aluba和开包。你是变态的!(所以我是不会忘记你的~~~)

32. Shi Man

33. Wei Onn
以后考虑帮我画人像吗?哈哈,跟你一起玩是真的很开心,虽然你是男生,但是觉得你好像很快就融入女生的世界里。=.=再去sunway interview之前,我都不知道原来你是那么的变态的!(还是每个男生都是酱?)哦,好怀念哦~~~很羡慕你这么聪明,好像全能的人(Davinci?)好啦,我借不下去啦,好好保重啦朋友!

34. Yee Chien
你给我的第一印象是很像tweety bird,因为你的眼睛很大头很小嘛,不要介意啊...你真的很勤劳很用功读书,可是我想告诉你:relax啦,朋友。哈哈,很压力的时候记得多找我谈话!很享受给你抱着的感觉,那你也享不享受抱我的感觉?我知道我很好抱的,因为很小个吗...哈哈,好啦,祝你成功!


讲真的现在我想叫你们也要慎重想一下要叫你们哪一个名字好,(好乱哦)虽然你们是fraternal twins,哈哈。很怀念和你们一起搭巴士的时光,还有一起玩乐的时候是忘不了的。你们都很风趣,能够逗乐我。你们两个不要每次都分开啦,哈哈,黏在一起比较好看嘛。你们真的很高,以后走路往下看啊!谢谢你们一路以来的陪伴!加油咯...

38.Choy Li Li

39.Zheng Yuan
奇怪的博士,鸟巢头发,复杂的数学伦理?哦,这是你专属的特征,怎能忘掉你?希望你以后好好生活啦,因为没有hweejien了吗...=.= 劝你多剃胡须,杂杂的看起来我会很怕!

40. Shiti
从中一那时到现在,我觉得你的变化挺大的(physical changes),性格都是一样的啦。有时你讲话很费,很无聊,但是我很喜欢听你讲话的声音,跟德靖一样好听!很期待以后可以在radio听到你的声音,哈哈。Karen 是很好的女生,好好对她叻!(相信你也是这样想吧?)以后多多关照啦,加油加油。

41.Wan Sin (满心)

42. Pei Yee
很rock很有个性的朋友,很喜欢跟你一起玩,你可以玩到很high!当然我也很怕你认真的时候,好像很凶,会杀人的!=.= 有时我会想起和你在一起玩band和补习的日子,都很开心。谢谢你哦,以后保重啦朋友!

43. Susan
你总是会让我想起Johny English Reborn 里面的”舒山“...哈哈哈。我最喜欢看到你的"yam"样,欺负JOLIE时候还有跟日本仔斗嘴的样子。和你分开过后我想我一定会很很很很想念你的,哦,讲起来都超伤心的。Haiz,以后要探监的时候记得约我一起!谢谢你给我带来欢乐还有不少回忆!记得多update你的blog,我才可以看到你活到如何,哈哈,我爱你哟!”舒山“

44. 我亲爱的俊颉~~~

以前你读一年级的时候,冬瓜酱小粒,买的衣服你都不合穿,可是一转眼却到今天我的大女儿毕业了,(衣服都ngam穿了)。虽然我们不是很有钱,但是我的女儿都很勤劳很上进,顺利读完Form 5 了!要感恩啊...虽然你长不大啊...矮到死.

06 November 2011

Yen Yarng's 11 Birthday

In the very morning, our aunt and grandmother came with a load of breads, "bao" and "tong shui". My aunt gave Yen Theng RM100 so that we can spend it in buying cake or birthday presents for Yen Yarng.

First, we went Viva Bata Shoes Fair at 1.00pm to get some discounted shoes. My mum lost her control and bought a big pack of shoes for us. Ha ha, not for me! After that, we went down to have some snacks. The Crispy and Paratha bought from Hot& Roll were too nice to taste! I miss them now so much. I miss the bite with a full mouth of thick cheeses, chopped onion, mayonnaise and something-don't-know-why-smell-so-good.

We went Pavillion after then but we parked in Sungei Wang. As we know, traffic jam is the routine in Kuala Lumpur, so we took 2 hours to go there and my sister and brother even asleep in the car! We went [10 Hu Tong] and had a great lunch with a table of Hokkien Mee, Kong-Fu Chao and Beef Ball Mee. Actually we took a lot of photos that day but they were disappeared in my mum's iPhone when I want to upload them into the computer. How creepy was that.Although it was a sad case to us but we already had them in our memories. What a lovely day we every had.

We spent some times at Uniqlo after that.My sister Yen Theng planned to buy a white-color shorts from Uniqlo that day but sadly we can't find it there. We had some fun trying different looks but didn't buy anything there and leave. 

How can we miss the Tokyo Street in Pavillion? The decoration there was absolutely amazing, just made us feel like being in real Tokyo! The whole family except me went Daiso for 2 hours and I walked through the Tokyo Street alone. The Japanese's Cuisine are awesome and so-mouth-watering but expensive. What I love the most is the [Omacha] milk tea stores and [Mua Chi] there. I think the Tokyo Street is kinda small to me but then entire atmospheres are excellent. Ha ha...

We went shopping through bag stores, art galleries, clothes stores and took some photos with Ultraman but so sadly these photos were gone. Until almost8.30pm, we had our dinner in Wong Kok restaurant. This was the first time we get into the Pavillion  Wong Kok Restaurant and we all saw eye to eye that this is the most wonderful Wong Kok in Malaysia, ever! We can view the brightly lighten KLCC and a network of red-color traffic line from our position. The restaurant is wide, kinda romantic and I love the mirror coated wall that made the space even wider. I think the food there are not as tasty as Kim Gary in Mid Valley. 

After that, we went Adidas, Puma, Crocs, Topshop and some other shops. We almost leave Pavillion at 10.00pm and walked through Fahrenheit and Lot 10 to the parking centre in Sungei Wang. We got nervous when we can't find a door to go into Sungei Wang because they are all closed! 

At that time, we saw Secret Recipe at the street then walked inside to have some rest. My mum bought a small piece of Mushmello Cake to Yen Yarng with a candle lighted on it.  We sang birthday song and we were so surprised that the Arabians group sat beside us sang together! They even sang the Arabian version birthday song and the whole restaurant was fully-filled with love. They are so warm-hearted and so we took some photos with them. (Photos are lost) 

We continued to find the entrance to Sungei Wang after then. Finally, we got into that through Starbucks Coffee. It was sooo lucky to find our car there! Then we stuck in the traffic jam for an hour at KL. When I got down from car and headed to the nearby 7-11 Shop for some drinks, suddenly a male blonde foreigner said to me:" Hey girl, do you mind get into my car?" I have to admit that at that time I felt so afraid so then I ran as fast as I can to my mum's car. After that, I felt kinda happy because I can get male's attention. Ha ha hahahahaha....

We reached home at 12.30am and asleep sooo fast.
It was a tired day.
But I sure Yen Yarng was so happy that day and found it sooo memorable to celebrate her birthday with a group of enthusiastic Arabian!

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Yen Yarng! 

~I love you~

02 November 2011

my brother's sleeping letter.

My brother is 8 years old and he likes to play with me. 
He said to me yesterday that he was so sleepy and needs an early sleep.
It was 9.00pm and he usually sleep at 11.00pm.
So then I'm not that happy because I need his accompany when watching TV.  
So I say:" You are not allowed to sleep at such an early time unless you write an early-sleeping-report to me."
We always watch Hong Kong TV that someone who has done wrong have to write a report to their boss.
My brother took his color pencils out immediately and he was acting like drawing or writing something special.
Finally, he sticked his "report" on the television,  and ran to his bed with a big smile.
How fun is this little game.
But the way, I think this "report" is too colorful for me and this made me smiled throughout the night.